Searching News Database: Arrow Group
HSMN NewsFeed - 4 Aug 2010
Watson Names Sigurdur Oli Olafsson Executive Vice President, Global Generics
Watson Names Sigurdur Oli Olafsson Executive Vice President, Global Generics
HSMN NewsFeed - 30 Oct 2009
Watson Names R. Todd Joyce Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; Succeeds Mark W. Durand
Watson Names R. Todd Joyce Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; Succeeds Mark W. Durand
HSMN NewsFeed - 3 Jun 2008
Sepracor Completes Acquisition of Oryx Pharmaceuticals and Expands Operations in Canada
Sepracor Completes Acquisition of Oryx Pharmaceuticals and Expands Operations in Canada
HSMN NewsFeed - 20 May 2008
Penwest Enters Into Development and Licensing Agreement With Cobalt Laboratories
Penwest Enters Into Development and Licensing Agreement With Cobalt Laboratories
HSMN NewsFeed - 1 May 2008
Sepracor to Acquire Oryx Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Expand Commercial Operations into Canada
Sepracor to Acquire Oryx Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Expand Commercial Operations into Canada