Searching News Database: IMRIS
HSMN NewsFeed - 26 Aug 2014
Highest level evidence published in Neurosurgery journal indicates better outcomes when using iMRI
Highest level evidence published in Neurosurgery journal indicates better outcomes when using iMRI
HSMN NewsFeed - 26 Mar 2014
IMRIS pediatric horseshoe headrest enables iMRI for even the youngest neurosurgery patients
IMRIS pediatric horseshoe headrest enables iMRI for even the youngest neurosurgery patients
HSMN NewsFeed - 5 Oct 2010
Varian Medical Systems and Imris to Co-Develop Revolutionary New MR-Guided Radiation Therapy System
Varian Medical Systems and Imris to Co-Develop Revolutionary New MR-Guided Radiation Therapy System
HSMN NewsFeed - 6 Aug 2008
IMRISneuro at Central DuPage Hospital will be the first in the Chicago area
IMRISneuro at Central DuPage Hospital will be the first in the Chicago area
HSMN NewsFeed - 1 Feb 2008
Beijing's General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army to install IMRISneuro
Beijing's General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army to install IMRISneuro
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