Searching News Database: TAXUS Element
HSMN NewsFeed - 21 May 2013
OrbusNeich seizes Boston Scientific stents in Germany as part of patent infringement proceedings
OrbusNeich seizes Boston Scientific stents in Germany as part of patent infringement proceedings
HSMN NewsFeed - 20 Feb 2013
OrbusNeich Files Patent Infringement Actions Against Boston Scientific in Germany and the Netherlands
OrbusNeich Files Patent Infringement Actions Against Boston Scientific in Germany and the Netherlands
HSMN NewsFeed - 1 Nov 2011
Boston Scientific Announces Schedule of Events at TCT Scientific Symposium
Boston Scientific Announces Schedule of Events at TCT Scientific Symposium
HSMN NewsFeed - 5 Oct 2011
Boston Scientific Begins Clinical Trial Enrollment for OMEGA(TM) Platinum Chromium Stent System
Boston Scientific Begins Clinical Trial Enrollment for OMEGA(TM) Platinum Chromium Stent System
HSMN NewsFeed - 7 Mar 2011
Boston Scientific Announces European Approval and Launch of OMEGA Platinum Chromium Stent System
Boston Scientific Announces European Approval and Launch of OMEGA Platinum Chromium Stent System
HSMN NewsFeed - 17 Feb 2011
Boston Scientific Launches PROMUS(R) Element and TAXUS(R) Element Stent Systems in India
Boston Scientific Launches PROMUS(R) Element and TAXUS(R) Element Stent Systems in India
HSMN NewsFeed - 26 Jan 2011
Boston Scientific Begins Clinical Trial Enrollment in China for PROMUS Element Everolimus-Eluting Stent
Boston Scientific Begins Clinical Trial Enrollment in China for PROMUS Element Everolimus-Eluting Stent
HSMN NewsFeed - 22 Sep 2010
Boston Scientific's TAXUS(R) Element Stent Demonstrates Strong Outcomes in Diabetic Patients
Boston Scientific's TAXUS(R) Element Stent Demonstrates Strong Outcomes in Diabetic Patients
HSMN NewsFeed - 21 Sep 2010
PROMUS(R) Element Stent Approved for Use in Diabetic and Heart Attack Patients in CE Mark Countries
PROMUS(R) Element Stent Approved for Use in Diabetic and Heart Attack Patients in CE Mark Countries
HSMN NewsFeed - 26 May 2010
Boston Scientific Begins PLATINUM PLUS Trial for PROMUS(R) Element(TM) Stent System
Boston Scientific Begins PLATINUM PLUS Trial for PROMUS(R) Element(TM) Stent System
HSMN NewsFeed - 12 May 2010
Boston Scientific Announces European Approval of Platinum Chromium TAXUS(R) Element(TM) Stent System
Boston Scientific Announces European Approval of Platinum Chromium TAXUS(R) Element(TM) Stent System
HSMN NewsFeed - 18 Sep 2009
Boston Scientific Completes Enrollment in Pivotal Workhorse Trial for Next-Generation Everolimus Stent
Boston Scientific Completes Enrollment in Pivotal Workhorse Trial for Next-Generation Everolimus Stent
HSMN NewsFeed - 19 May 2009
Boston Scientific Launches Third-Generation Platinum Chromium Drug-Eluting Stent
Boston Scientific Launches Third-Generation Platinum Chromium Drug-Eluting Stent
HSMN NewsFeed - 8 Oct 2008
Boston Scientific Completes Clinical Trial Enrollment for Third-Generation Drug-Eluting Stent
Boston Scientific Completes Clinical Trial Enrollment for Third-Generation Drug-Eluting Stent
HSMN NewsFeed - 19 Jul 2007
Boston Scientific Announces First Implant of TAXUS(R) Element(TM) Platinum Chromium Stent
Boston Scientific Announces First Implant of TAXUS(R) Element(TM) Platinum Chromium Stent