Searching News Database: trospium chloride
HSMN NewsFeed - 22 May 2008
Indevus Pharmaceuticals Licenses Canadian Rights for SANCTURA XR(TM) to Allergan, Inc.
Indevus Pharmaceuticals Licenses Canadian Rights for SANCTURA XR(TM) to Allergan, Inc.
HSMN NewsFeed - 25 Apr 2007
Alkermes and Indevus Announce Initiation of Phase 2a Clinical Study of ALKS 27 for the Treatment of COPD
Alkermes and Indevus Announce Initiation of Phase 2a Clinical Study of ALKS 27 for the Treatment of COPD
HSMN NewsFeed - 13 Dec 2006
FDA Accepts New Drug Application for SANCTURA XR(TM) Submitted by Indevus
FDA Accepts New Drug Application for SANCTURA XR(TM) Submitted by Indevus
HSMN NewsFeed - 6 Nov 2006
Indevus Announces Licensing and Manufacturing Pact for SANCTURA XR(TM) With Madaus GmbH
Indevus Announces Licensing and Manufacturing Pact for SANCTURA XR(TM) With Madaus GmbH
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