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Independent Sales Reps. - Antimicrobial Scrub sales
Posted by: Stephen (Host IP Logged)
Date: July 19, 2010 06:40PM

Looking for Independent Sales representatives to sell antimicrobial scrubs and lab coats.

Stason Pharmaceuticals of Texas, Inc., is a medical distribution company working with the founders of MediThreads, LLC to find direct sales reps to sell a new professional line of antimicrobial scrubs and lab coats.

For more information call Paul or Stephen at 1-800-655-5013
MediThreads, LLC is an Antimicrobial Solutions company which specializes in the development, manufacturing and marketing of antimicrobial products for the healthcare industry. MediThreads mission is to be an integral part of the comprehensive antimicrobial solutions necessary to prevent the spread of bacteria which lead to secondary infections. It is our goal to help save lives.
The company has an agreement with Microban International that allowed MediThreads to create cost effective, durable antimicrobial textiles for the healthcare industry.
The Microban brand is the most recognized and trusted antimicrobial brand in the world and is found on over 750 products worldwide across a breadth of product categories including consumer, industrial and building products, as well as a variety of products used in healthcare environments.

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Re: Independent Sales Reps. - Antimicrobial Scrub sales
Posted by: erika (Host IP Logged)
Date: April 01, 2016 03:37PM

I want to be a representative. I've used these scrubs and love them. What's the process?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/01/2016 03:53PM by admin.

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