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Dealers wanted
Posted by: Ergonomis Medical (Host IP Logged)
Date: August 07, 2014 12:09PM


World unigue ErgonomiS medical – move&stop CHAIR.
Now you can sell something, what nobody else sells.

We are patent holder and manufacturer of unique product. ErgonomiS medical has been specifically designed for use within the healthcare sector.

Healthcare professionals are often required to lean over patients whilst remaining highly mobile and active.
The unique 360º motion of the seat tilts the practitioners towards the prone patients without excessive spinal curvature or stress. When reaching for equipment, notes or medicines the seat follows and supports the body in all directions, eliminating the pressures associated with twisting and stretching

Why is ErgonomiS different: Seat moves in ALL directions
Move & stop system
Lifetime waranty
Clinicaly tested

You can see all aspects in our video :

Health benefits: Prevention of back and spinal pain
Strengthening the abdominal and back muscles
Relief of the intervertebral discs
Weight reduction

1. Price – ErgonomiS Medical: 195€ EXW
2. Delivery time: 14 days
3. Guaranty: 5 years for chair, lifetime guaranty for move&stop system
4. Colors: mint green, white, orange, navy blue, ivory, black
5. Box dimensions: 50x50x60 cm
6. Delivery cost: depends on quantity

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call me on my mobile phone. My number is +421 911556001
Or via Email. :
Hanudel Vladimir
Ergonomis Ltd.

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