Independent Sales Reps & Distributors 

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Claudia (Host IP Logged)
Date: July 16, 2012 01:26PM

Good Morning;

We are a manufacturing company located in Connecticut, we are looking for a distribution/sales rep company for our products. We manufacture reusable surgical instruments for laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgery.

You can contact me at 877-694-2211 ext. 1


Claudia M.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: johnnyh1 (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 10, 2014 03:14AM


We are launching some new technology products.

My background is with Davol, Medtronic, and Kyphon.

I have worked with some key chemical engineers and physicists and have come up with a new technology where we can make an almost unlimited number of products,
sterile or unsterile, disposable or reusable or resposable.

My goal was to have independent resp in every state or regional groups. This is a technology that will sell, will sell well, and it will provide excellent profits to the distribution unit and it's reps.

In addition, we are confident the technology will be acquired within 3 years and those distributors on board will receive an equity position.

I know WHY these products will sell. But you have to treat this with complete confidentiality as we plan to attack in unison nationally in early April.

Having someone with extensive distribution leadership is essential.

Please provide a contact number and good time to reach you tomorrow IF you are interested.

Warmest Regards:


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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: steve (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 23, 2014 12:36PM

we manufacture a unique Body Temp Control Product, disposable, pls contact if interested, 904.422.7170

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: steve (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 23, 2014 12:59PM

we manufacture a unique body temp control product, disposable , let me know with interest, 904.422.7170

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Jeff (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 25, 2014 03:35AM

Could you send me your contact info...e-mail is fine.


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New Vein Illumination Device Does More For Far Less
Posted by: Joel Lerner (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 29, 2014 03:58PM

To whom it may concern,

Near Infrared Imaging is seeking distributors and resellers for our revolutionary vein illumination device, the AVV-1. We have been doing demonstrations all over the United States at blood labs, Oncology labs, and hospitals such as Massachusetts General, (rated the best hospital in the US), and the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic owns both of the current best selling vein illumination devices and they are gathering dust in a closet. They are clamoring to buy ours. Our device is also being used in the Philippines in regards to the recent disaster there with great results.

Our goal with the demonstrations was to gain insight and garner constructive criticism from nurses and doctors in order to settle on the best final prototype to bring to commercial production. Well, it's mission accomplished!

We are now in the pre-launch stage. The feedback was overwelmingly positive, and we have customers lining up. The top selling vein illumination cameras could not compare to our AVV 1 in a side by side comparison. For one thing, the images weren't nearly as clear, and our AVV 1 shows veins that can't be seen by the eye alone as opposed to illuminating veins that are already visible.

The current best selling devices use lasers, and we use LED's so our AVV I is safer. It is also far less expensive. The final price will be between $1299 and $1499 depending upon accessories, and will still offer resellers a nice profit. The accessories such as stands, goose necks, etc, will be far less expensive then the competition's as well. Product launch is planned for February 2014. Please note our AVV-1 is 4 times less expensive than the best selling vein illumination device and 10 times less expensive than the 2nd best seller.

Hospitals, clinics, blood labs, doctors offices, nursing homes, ambulance companies, etc, will be able to afford to buy many more devices. Price conscious countries such as India will be prime targets, and will be very popular due to our device's ability to easily find the veins in dark skinned people.

It's also worth noting that the next generation AVV 1 will be hands free and will be able to view veins of patients who are morbidly obese. Furthermore, Near Infrared Imaging has two patents which will advance the industry as one of our next generation devices will color code veins according to depth, and use a "banana shaped light" that will travel underneath the veins.

If your company has an interest let's start some dialog. We may be able to send you a device to try out so you see firsthand how effective it is and how far superior it is when compared to the competition. An Executive Summary is available for your review.

Yours in good health, Joel Lerner
Near Infrared Imaging
Director of New Business Development

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Paul Cincotta (Host IP Logged)
Date: June 13, 2014 02:13PM

I'm the Northeast manager for Maxx Health.
We manufacture implants for knee, hip & shoulder replacement.
Maxx is global, well funded with a pipeline of projects and opportunities for our distributor and surgeon partners.
Give me a call if you would like to learn more.
516 633 4431

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Ergonomis Medical (Host IP Logged)
Date: August 07, 2014 09:28AM


We are manufacturer and patent holder of an unique product. All the info you need can be found on our website (search ergonomis medical). Also you can see video on youtube. Search under Ergonomis medical. Ergonomis chair is solution for persistent back problems.It has all the certificates(TUV, etc) and references.


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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Jennifer (Host IP Logged)
Date: August 27, 2014 01:35AM

Hi, we have a distributorship in SC and are looking for new products. Will you pls new me some information on your product.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Javier Gonzalez (Host IP Logged)
Date: September 08, 2014 02:32AM

Very interested in this opportunity can you gave me more info . My number is 7876373931

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Javier Gonzalez (Host IP Logged)
Date: September 08, 2014 02:33AM

Hi John, can i receive more info on the products you are offering here. My number is 7876373931

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: nate hollander american (Host IP Logged)
Date: October 02, 2014 01:02AM

do mobile nerve conduction, allergy testing and ultrasound for chiros across the country, good income for the doctors, and sales person. Please call 404-3886686 Nate Hollander American Imaging

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: tmb88 (Host IP Logged)
Date: October 23, 2014 04:02PM

Ebola is dominating the news and cross contamination is an issue of importance. We make a dispoable cover for the blood pressure cuff to prevent cross contamination.

Check our web pagse at and if interested contact Tom at 800 726 8377

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Stephen Andrews (Host IP Logged)
Date: November 03, 2014 05:36PM

I would love to talk with you about our products that target orthopedic, occupational, and pain management doctors that see workers comp patients only. What states do you cover? You can email me or call me at 479-439-2616. Look forward to hearing from you.

Stephen Andrews

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: JR Reyna (Host IP Logged)
Date: November 03, 2014 11:35PM

I wanted to know if you have a tox lab your currently working with?


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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Manish Shah (Host IP Logged)
Date: November 12, 2014 05:49PM

We are looking for top notch distributors for new items 1) Nose Mask Filter for allergy patients which prevents inhaling pollen,chemical odors etc.2) Portable batter operated handheld nebulizer and 3) Allergy shot kits developed by well know allergist to be use by General physicians. We offer deep discount. Please contact Manish Shah at 631-413-3724 for more details.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: alex paino (Host IP Logged)
Date: November 26, 2014 08:30PM

My company purchases in-date surplus single-patient use surgical disposables from hospitals and surgery centers across the country.

We then redistribute these devices to other domestic facilities across the country @ discounted rates.

Given your reps have an immediate line to MM/Purchasing/OR/Supply Chain contacts within the hospital, we can provide an immediate means for additional revenue.

I am looking for additional support through alternative channels on the supply side of our business (finding more product).

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Mark Schlicht (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 06, 2015 08:38PM

Feel free to call me. 262.373.1700
mark Schlicht
Dir. Business Development

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Mark Schllicht (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 28, 2015 09:18PM

Please contact me if interested in led medical exam lighting.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Lori (Host IP Logged)
Date: February 01, 2015 07:26PM


Are you still looking for a tox lab? Please feel free to email me if interested.



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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: marketing Manager (Host IP Logged)
Date: February 26, 2015 03:52PM

We are looking for distribution of our warming cabinets.

Please email me at

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Gianni Archolekas (Host IP Logged)
Date: October 20, 2015 05:33PM

We are currently looking for 1099 reps to market and sell a new advanced wound care dressing line for most of the east coasts, Florida to Maine. Contact me for additional info


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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: nasalvalvehsmn (Host IP Logged)
Date: October 29, 2015 01:38AM

Looking for experienced independent sales reps / distributors who are already calling on ENT physicians/surgeons, hospitals/clinics, facial plastic surgeons, VA, military, and other government hospitals and clinics. High commission, well established, USA product: Makes breathing through the nose easy. Easy to use, discreet, gentle, effective, reimbursed by insurance including medicare, 2 year warranty :

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Rich (Host IP Logged)
Date: November 06, 2015 09:08PM

We have a DVT device with a new and innovative platform. Most DVT devices are buy-and-bill with the responsibility falling on the physician and rep. Ours is a script only model. We provide the product, clinical studies directly related to our product, custom script pads and a top of the line customer service team with top commissions.

All you have to do is sell. If you have seasoned relationships with orthopedic surgeons then this is a product that will interest your physicians.

Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are the most common preventable cause of hospital-related death.

Once this product is scripted it is sent directly to the patient with simple and easy instructions on how to use.

Once therapy is completed, the patient does not have to send product back (most companies require a return).

If you have relationships in this arena (orthopedics) then please reach out to me to discuss.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Jeffry (Host IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2016 11:06PM

Good day,

We are a low cost Manufacturer of custom foot Orthotics based out of Toronto Canada.
We are looking for representation throughout the US to call on businesses with 50 plus employees.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: woody aghnatios (Host IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2016 09:43PM

We area servicing Lab agency for Quest Diagnostic and offering huge discounts for High Deductible and Cash Patient up to 90%. we are looking for Independent sales rep or Distributor who have connection with Doctors, urgent care, and Chiropractors Nationwaide. We offer Zero cost interface, free maintenance and installation. High Commission and or Royalties.Please feel free to contact me.Thanks

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: RobbieB (Host IP Logged)
Date: August 15, 2016 11:01PM

Are you still interested in products?

I represent a lab tat is very capable nationally. My lab products are for Medicare patients mainly and represent great commissions (residual) per office.

Let me know if you want more info.

Rob Breedlove


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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: tc (Host IP Logged)
Date: September 16, 2016 03:09PM

I have contacts in the Midwest which may be suitable for this product. Please send info so we can discuss.


Tim Carroll

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: David Christenson (Host IP Logged)
Date: September 19, 2016 04:23PM

Hello, I am a principal in a light theraphy company that has the most advanced and affordable technology on the market today. My partner is an author on the subject and is one of the inventors on photobiomodulation the treatment for Pain and Neuropathy naturally. Many Chiroparactors are treating patients with older tehnology and are generating great revenues by treating Neuropahty (very few other than Chiropractors do treat Neuropathy) with this remarkable technology.

If you are interested in adding our product line to your sales efforts, please contact David Christenson at 949/735-0665.

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Re: Distributor Looking For Lines
Posted by: Peter Raymer (Host IP Logged)
Date: November 20, 2016 10:31PM

We have a national presence with several lines and a heavy presence in the Southeastern U.S. With most. We would be interested in learning more and how we may partner.

Warm Regards,

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