Independent Sales Reps & Distributors 

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Looking for 1099 Reps & Distributors
Posted by: EliteOrtho (Host IP Logged)
Date: April 18, 2014 10:52PM

Elite Orthopaedics, Inc. has been a manufacturer and distributor of orthopedic braces and splints in the Los Angeles area since 1992.

We offer extremely competitive pricing and great quality products. As a small manufacturer we are able to keep our costs and overhead low and pass this directly onto our customers.

Product offering can be found on the company's website:

For additional information, please email:

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Re: Looking for 1099 Reps & Distributors
Posted by: Ann (Host IP Logged)
Date: April 28, 2014 01:46AM

We are an independent and we have a brand new online platform and we are looking for suppliers as well I would be interested to talk to you about your products!
If you can email your list of products and let's talk

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