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looking for drop-ship distributor
Posted by: Tamikia Alford (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 12, 2005 08:35PM

I own an online store to be called that will sell heart Healthy products for At Home care as well as Professional. I want these products to include Blood Pressure, Glucose and Cholesterol. I am looking for distributors that do drop-shipping, as I am not interested in holding any product. I prefer blind drop-shipping (meaning, when you ship you put my company's info on the From label), however I will consider non-blind options.

Please send all responses to

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Re: looking for drop-ship distributor
Posted by: TImothy L. Box (Host IP Logged)
Date: January 15, 2005 06:16PM

To whom it may concern: I am a Medical Transport Courier located in central Missouri. I currently am seeking a distributorship to supplement my income. I have a wealth of experience in medical distribution, (orthopaedic product Distribution Mgr. So/Cal Orthopedic 15 yrs.) I would like to fax to you a list of qualifications, as well as a resume.Could you please provide me with a fax # or feel free to call @ (573)346-1179
Thank You! Sincerely, T.L. Box

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