Independent Sales Reps & Distributors 

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Looking for Independent Medical Sales Reps
Posted by: David (Host IP Logged)
Date: December 02, 2005 08:33PM

I have a medical transcription company and am looking for independent salepeople. I'm looking for reps to go into most any type of practice, including urgent care centers and hospitals - We have excellent references in General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery; as well as Neurology, Cardiology, OB-GYN and Urology.

Since we are a service, we bill clients and pay commissions monthly, with really no followup on your part beyond the initial sale. We also will close. The information you need to know is very straightforward. Contact as below if interested.

David Bernard
On-Call Medical Transcription Service
2901 N. Davidson St., Suite 250
Charlotte, NC 28205
(800) 757-1697
(704) 712-3221 cell

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Re: Looking for Independent Medical Sales Reps
Posted by: DR. EID (Host IP Logged)
Date: April 26, 2006 02:48PM

dear sir:
we are a medical company in aleppo syria
we want to be distributor for your products in syria we are looking for hearing of you soon

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