Independent Sales Reps & Distributors
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Distributor/ind.reps needed/veterinary market
Posted by:
(Host IP Logged)
Date: May 05, 2006 11:41PM
ASSUTEUROPE USA Inc.is a medical device manufacturer company based in Italy It has been in the medical business for over 20 years. The company has opened his USA Branch for the veterinary market and is looking for national and regional medical products distributors that sell to the veterinary market places. For more info you can see our website at: www.assuteurope.com
For any contact write at the following email address: mmcintern@aol.com
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2006 09:18PM by admin.
For any contact write at the following email address: mmcintern@aol.com
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2006 09:18PM by admin.